Alcoholism Is A Serious Disease

People Need To Understand That Alcoholism Is A Serious, Sometimes Life Threatening Disease

Some people may not think of alcoholism as being an actual disease, but people need to understand that alcoholism is a serious and sometimes life threatening disease. Alcoholism affects millions of people and many of those people do not ever seek the help that they need to recover from alcohol and it could end up killing them because of it. It is sometimes a deadly disease, so if you or someone that you know is struggling with alcoholism, it would be very wise to ask for help, find help, from family and friends, therapists, counseling, rehab, it is vital in order to save your life in some instances! Too many people let this disease go untreated because of fear of not wanting people to know your little secret, if you do this alone, it is going to catch up with you, tell someone, before it is too late.

Alcoholism can cause some form of brain damage over a period of time. You are literally putting poison into your body and it is killing millions of your brain cells. Too much alcohol can affect your short term memory, it can cause you to think irrationally and it can definitely change your ability of thinking and decision making. Prolonged abuse of alcohol can and will, take over your mind and body, causing detrimental damage sometimes. Do not continue harming your body in such ways, stop now, while you still can. You may not see that it is at all possible but the longer you wait, the harder it is going to be for you to quit. Everywhere you look, if you take the time to look, you can find the support that you will need in order for you to get through such a difficult time in your life.

If you are struggling with alcoholism, you are also increasing your risks of severely damaging your heart. Over a period of time, if you consume large quantities of alcohol, it is going to weaken your heart muscles. Your heart will end up beating much slower because of the alcohol consumption and you will possibly end up with a very irregular heartbeat, that could lead to heart failure. Women are at much higher risk for suffering physical ailments such as this, than men are. It still happens to men but women's bodies metabolize the alcohol much more quickly than with men. Whoever you are, if you are struggling with alcoholism, you are at higher risk for damaging your organs and causing them to fail you. You are shortening your life span by consuming large amounts of alcohol, if you want to live longer, you have got to know how very important it is for you to start now, researching, talking to people you trust and quickly find the support and help that you need during this time. Having people that love you, support you, will give you the strength that you need to help you through difficult times in your life.


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