Different Phases Of Alcoholism

There Are Different Phases Of Alcoholism That You Should Be Aware Of

Many families have had to suffer with knowing that someone they love is becoming ill due to alcoholism, it can be life threatening if it is not caught in time and if the person does not get help early on enough. It is important for everyone to be aware of the many different phases of alcoholism that one would go through, so that you could possibly help a friend or loved one get the help they need, early enough on, so that it does not cause life threatening illnesses or any worse physical, mental and social problems that can occur with being an alcoholic. Pay close attention because someone that you know may need your help or the help of a professional, it could be a life changing experience, to say the least. Do not ignore that there could be a problem because the longer it is ignored, the more the chances increase of it damaging a persons life.

In the beginning, the early phase of alcoholism, one might begin to have a few drinks occasionally in hopes of changing their mood they are in. The person drinking occasionally may feel that their mood improves and they can have more fun when they are able to have a couple drinks before doing anything. They may feel that it is not and will not ever be a problem, it is just something they like to do sometimes. What happens during this phase is eventually those couple of drinks will not be enough, and they begin drinking a little bit more here and there. It will end up taking more alcohol in order for them to get that same feeling they had when they first began drinking alcohol. So then they begin drinking more often, instead of a couple drinks occasionally, it could turn into several drinks everyday. During this phase the person drinking alcohol does not feel like they are doing anything wrong, or damaging their body in any way, it is just something to make them feel good, maybe even relax a little.

The next phase would be when the person drinking alcohol begins drinking much more alcohol because their tolerance has grown so very much that it takes more for them to feel that same feeling they used to feel when just drinking a couple of drinks. During this phase of alcoholism the body begins to rely more on alcohol to get through the daily stresses that life can sometimes hand you. There may begin to be some problems with friends or family members, everyone might start arguing more due to your drinking. They love you and are concerned but you are in total denial, even though in your mind you realize that alcohol is becoming a big part of your life.

The last phase of alcoholism is when a person begins drinking a large amount of alcohol every single day and their mind and body begins to suffer from it. The large quantities have started taken a toll on your body, causing damage to your internal organs. This is a really scary phase of alcoholism, where family and friends need to step in and get the person help because the amount of alcohol that they are consuming is hurting their mind and body. They need you more now than ever before. It may take rehab at this point in time, to get the person to begin healing and recovering from their need to drink alcohol beverages everyday of their life. Do not wait, get help for them immediately, you are their support.


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