Alcoholism And Very Young Teens

Alcoholism And Very Young Teens

People might assume that alcoholism only affects older people, drunks, who have been drinking their entire lives it seems. The fact is, that many young people, young teenagers are beginning to drink alcohol at very young ages and are suffering from alcoholism before they are even of legal age to drink alcohol. You might think, well, how do they get it, who would buy it for them? There are many easy ways to gain access to alcohol for young people, by either stealing it from someone in their family, or having another friends relative purchase it for them. The fact of the matter is, if they want alcohol, it is easily accessible, there is always someone willing to purchase underage people alcohol for whatever reasons. They can get it when they want it and if your child leaves home, saying they are going to spend the night at a friends, you probably do not think that they will be partying it up, consuming tons of different alcohol, and when this happens weekend after weekend, before you realize it, you have a young teen addicted to alcohol.

It is important for parents to start paying closer attention to what their young teens are doing when they leave the house. I am not saying all young teens are doing this, but there are plenty that are and are suffering with alcoholism because of it, if they are not suffering from this disease yet, they will be, if it is not stopped quickly. They are very impressionable at these ages and if they see others doing it and they gain access to it, no matter if you have talked to them about alcohol or not, sometimes they will choose to partake in it anyway. Just like with other illegal drugs that you have discussed with them, peer pressure can change their mind in a flash and cause them to do things they would not normally dream of doing, because of the negative facts about it that you have made them aware of.

Young teens are suffering with alcoholism and it is important that you are aware as to what type of signs to look for so that you can attempt to get them the help that they need to get through this difficult time in their life. There are many different reasons as to why they started drinking to begin with but just getting them the proper help is what is most important right now, so that they do not do any damage to their internal organs from over consuming the alcohol they are drinking regularly. Many teens die every year due to alcohol consumption and they either die from alcohol poisoning or from getting in a vehicle to drive or drive with someone who is intoxicated. It devastates families everyday and to help in preventing this from happening to you, you really just need to be more knowledgeable and make sure that you communicate with your teen as often as possible, even when they act as if they would rather not talk with you. Ask questions, be assertive when trying to be more informed about what they do when they are outside of your home. Do not let alcoholism destroy your family and possibly take your teenagers life away, educate yourself now on the dangers of drinking.


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