How To Stay Sober When Recovering

How To Stay Sober When Recovering

Recovering from alcoholism is a life long struggle and every time you turn around, there could be an opportunity where you may feel pressured to drink alcohol. Many times this is when it is most difficult for recovering alcoholics, they get around people drinking and they end up becoming weakened and go ahead and have a drink, then it could turn into another drink, then another, before you realize it, you are suffering with alcoholism again. It is a life long battle and the best thing you can do to remain sober is to have plenty of friends and family members to call on, if you start feeling pressured or weak by any event.

You have to come up with some kind of plan for yourself to help you through those most difficult times. Anyone recovering from alcoholism has got to realize that it is a struggle and there will be so many opportunities where drinking is involved and you must find a way to stay away from those type of things so that you do not become weak and end up having a drink. The feeling you will get from taking that first drink during recovery will give you such a feeling of guilt, shame and depression that sometimes it is just too much to handle and many people may start back drinking as a result to things like this. Nobody said recovering from alcoholism would be easy, it could actually be one of the most difficult things you may have to go through in your life. Come up with a plan, for when times arise that could possibly lead you back to drinking. A realistic plan, a plan of hope and comfort, something that will help in guiding you through your recovery time.

If you have been going to AA meetings and have made a couple of friends, lean on them, start taking some of them to social gatherings with you, so they can help support you and give you the strength and courage that you will be needing for a very long time. You all can rely on one another to remain sober from alcohol. Friends that are going through the same thing can be your biggest support system and it is so important that you make them a priority in your life, you need them as much as they need you. Stick together and stay strong through those difficult moments, that almost all of the time, will occur at some point or another.

Start doing positive things with your life, to keep your mind off of it, join the gym and start focusing all of your energy on getting your body in shape and your health will improve drastically because of it, plus, you will gain the strength to stay sober, when others are out partying it up, without you. You have to learn that alcoholism is a part of your life and you will never be free from the pressures of thinking about drinking, but you are a new person now, stay strong and let your friends and family help you. You can stay sober, recovering from alcoholism is the best thing you have ever done in your life. Good luck!


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